All week since our water beads
, gems and light fun (post HERE) the boys have been reaching for the elements again when they are up in the studio with me. Unlike our FIRST SET of water beads, these have lasted much longer. This time after playing with them I rinsed them in a colander to get the oils and dirt from our hands off, then I dried them on paper towels in an open container over night. The next day I poured the water beads into these glass jars for storage and lined them up on a shelf in the studio.

The other day JZ pulled the jars down and set up the light box. He counted the five jars.

He poured one jar of beads into a tupperware container and saw that four remained.
He put the empty jar back on the light box to count again. Five minus one equals four.

Down goes the next jar of beads. Now three remain.
He did this for each jar.
Then he wanted to refill the jars, so I grabbed a wide mouth funnel.

We added the jars as he filled them and put them back on the light box, and then we did it all again. Children learn and retain information best when multiple senses are stimulated. Better yet, they learn more when they instigate the activity as JZ did here. In his mind he was playing. He didn't know that I snuck in a math lesson.
For more ideas with water beads click HERE. We love sensory play, and water beads are provide many opportunities for exploration!

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