Okay, this wasn't exactly what I had in mind when I brought the paint outside for the boys:
It started out so simple and innocent.
I've seen fly swatter painting all over the blogosphere, and I was eager to let JZ and JM give it a try.
Their reactions didn't disappoint.
JZ was delighted when the paint splattered all over his face.
He added a bit more paint to the butcher paper.
You can see the cool splats the fly swatters made.
I've literally never seen JZ so enthralled with a painting project. He loves to paint but is usually done in five or ten minutes. He kept adding more and more paint.
He cautiously asked if he could use his hands.
Then he asked if he could step in the paint.
Surprisingly JM was much more timid. Usually JM paints for a half hour or so longer than JZ, and he isn't afraid of a mess. He kept dancing around the paper, but he didn't do a whole lot of painting.
I can't really explain it, but something was unleashed in JZ.
Eventually the painting turned into attacks on each other.
Do you see the hand print on JM's face?
JZ attempted fifteen or so handstands. I had to bite my tongue to avoid telling him to be careful. I was certain he was going to hit his head, but he did not.
This day was...amazing. Some might look at these photos and see a giant mess. I look at these and see carefree children, freely expressing their creativity. After taking these pictures yesterday I must have scrolled through them a half a dozen times. Their expressions are priceless, and this is a moment I will never forget.
Some might wonder if I am raising hooligans who don't have limits, LOL. I'm not. The fact that JZ asked each step of the way shows that they respect boundaries. I knew fly swatter painting would be messy, but I never anticipated THIS kind of a mess. Sometimes the best moments can't be planned. I can't wait to do this again in warmer weather when they can run in the sprinklers after painting.
Their masterpiece:

Love this! There have got be artists that actually do this or maybe your kids have invented a new way of painting! Jackson Pollock did "Action Painting" by moving around the canvas on the floor and splattering paint, but this is truly action painting.
ReplyDeleteAction indeed! The photos of my oldest dancing and attempting handstands made me think of break dance painting. :)