A blog I follow is entitled Let the Children Play. I LOVE the name of the blog. When you were a child don't you remember spending most of your day outdoors? I didn't watch much television. I certainly wasn't on a computer. I didn't have video games. I PLAYED. I swam, ran to the neighbor's house, built forts, played grocery store and Post Office and school in our shed. I got dirty, and I didn't think twice about it. I don't remember being told no, because my mom was concerned about me getting messy.
The other day at the park there was a huge mud puddle from all the rain we got over the weekend. JZ stood on a cement block next to it for quite awhile, pondering. I could see his head spinning. I knew the temptation was eating away at him. Sure enough, he eventually asked, "Mommy, may I jump in it?" I didn't have to think twice. How could I rob my son of this opportunity? Before saying yes I let him know that we didn't have any dry clothes. I told him the drive home would be cold, but he could get cleaned up right away at home. JM joined him shortly, and they jumped around, splashed one another, kicked, "swam" and played. I love watching children play with reckless abandon. Sometimes I wish I could still play like that.
(Sorry for the poor quality photos. I took them with my phone.)
I stripped them down to underwear/diaper for the drive home, and they went straight in the tub when we got home. It was worth every second, and if I had it to do all over again I wouldn't change a thing. Am I glad we don't get rain often enough in San Diego for this to be an every day occurrence? A little bit. ;)

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