JZ is currently 4.75 years old.
This week we studied:
Unit 13 of RRSP
Unit Review - You Can Read
-All printouts are from RRSP or You Can Read unless otherwise noted.-
Theme: Transportation
-All printouts are from RRSP or You Can Read unless otherwise noted.-
Theme: Transportation
Letter: Kk
Number: 13
Shape: oval
Color: blue
JM's Tot School post is HERE.
JZ put together nomenclature cards from a Disney Cars preschool pack from 1+1+1=1. He put them together in a standard pocket chart
He made himself a necklace of math links
, which were out for one of JM's trays.
Also on JM's trays was this kite color sorting and bead threading activity. JZ was thrilled to help.
He traced numbers and drew a line from the number to the correct amount of cars.
Using printables from Confessions of a Homeschooler, JZ graphed the bows on each kite.
We are reviewing sight words he has already learned to be sure he remembers all that have been introduced. He read the words on the page and circled those he said correctly.
Other fun activities we did this week that I blogged about separately are linked under each photo:

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