This is one of the reasons I love The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. It is a free, online magazine specifically for homeschool families. Reading through a few articles quickly makes my world seem not so small. The magazine contributors come from different backgrounds, are at different stages of their homeschooling careers, and have families of all shapes and sizes. Everyone is bound to find an article or two (or more!) that he or she can relate to.
For this review I read The Old Schoolhouse Magazine’s November issue. One article in particular stood out to me entitled, "Refuse to Be a Victim: Avoiding the Self-Pity Trap". It really motivated me to use everything God brings my way, good or bad, towards shaping the lives of my children. A line that touched my heart, "Every resource we've got is meant to be a tool to aid us in the battle for the hearts of our children." Does that speak to you?
As I said, you are bound to find at least a few writers you can relate to. The articles are broken down by categories such as The Frugal Homeschooler, The Seasoned Homeschooler, The Unit Study Homeschooler, The Tech Homeschooler and more. When I first read the November issue I jumped to The Unit Study Homeschooler followed by The Artistic Homeschooler, and then I started over at the beginning to be sure I didn't miss anything.
Homeschooling parents and non homeschooling parents alike do not tend to have an abundance of extra time. The Old Schoolhouse Magazine is set up in a user friendly, organized format. There is a table of contents on the left for quick browsing to jump to an article that grabs your attention. There is even an app available for the iPhone, iPad, and iTouch. With the app you can download issues and read offline at your convenience. Articles can apply to those brand new to homeschooling and those who have been homeschooling for years. The articles are helpful for parents with children of all ages and stages.
Disclaimer: I
received a free copy of this product through the Schoolhouse Review Crew in
exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review
nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my
own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC

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