Halloween Crafts for Kids featured on The Sunday Showcase
Counting with Halloween Craft from How Wee Learn
Toilet Roll Mummies from Happy Hooligans

Halloween Spider Creations from Pinkoddy
Halloween Craft Collection from Mums Make Lists
Halloween Monster Cards from Mum of One

Halloween Sticky Art from Sow Sprout Play
Painting Spiders and Cobwebs from Happy Hooligans
Pipe Cleaner Spiderweb from Imprints from Tricia

Silly Pumpkin Faces from P is for Preschooler
Footprint Ghost from FSPDT
Glittery Spiderweb and Spider from Buggy and Buddy

Halloween Crafts for Kids from Learn~Play~Imagine
For more Halloween crafts for kids follow my Fall~Halloween~Thanksgiving board on Pinterest.
Now it's time to link up your best child centered ideas!

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Thanks so much for featuring my halloween monster cards. Am delighted!