October 9, 2013

Math Games with Candy

Skip Counting with M&M Candy - Candy Activities for Kids

We're back with more Candy Activities for Kids!  On Monday we shared a paint recipe made from Starburst candy, Tuesday we made Hershey Kiss chocolate playdough, and today's theme is learning activities with candy.  I played some simple math games with M&M's with my preschooler.  Skip counting is a new concept for J-Bug (4).  He has been around when I'm working on it with his older brother, but this is first skip counting game I set up just for him.  JZ (6) has done skip counting with peas as well as gross motor skip counting.  I knew J-Bug would enjoy skip counting with M&M's, or really any math game with candy.

How to Practice Skip Counting with Candy

First I had J-Bug group the M&M's in groups of ten.  He counted them one by one until he got to ten, then he put the ten in a pile.

He counted slowly and precisely and took away any extras.

Once he had sorted ten piles of ten I asked him to count how many piles he had.

Next we counted by tens and wrote the numbers below each pile of M&M's using chalk.  I helped him  quite a bit with this step.

After writing out the numbers we counted together several times, and then I encouraged him to count all the candy.  He has an obsession with the number 100, so he was pretty tickled by the fact that he could count to 100 by tens.

After counting J-Bug showed me how he could form numbers with M&M's.  It was completely his idea and a pretty cool one.

After his skip counting lesson J-Bug asked to snack on a few M&M's.  A little math plus a little chocolate equals a good afternoon.

For more preschool math ideas follow my Math Games and Activities board on Pinterest.

Be sure and visit the other sensory play with candy posts from the series:

Spelling with M&M's from Inspiration Laboratories

Candy Train Game from Play Trains!

Free Printable Flash Cards for Addition with Jelly Beans from Mama Miss

Sweet Tart Sorting and Graphing from Mama.Papa.Bubba.

Pixy Stix Learning Tray from Housing a Forest

Candy Corn Counting and Math from Reading Confetti

Learning with Licorice from Blog Me Mom

Come back tomorrow to see our art with candy!


  1. What a fun way to work on counting!

  2. Oooh! Such a fun idea! I LOVE the writing on the table with chalk part. :)

  3. Love the idea of using manipulatives to teach math. Wonderful post and fantastic images a usual.

  4. A little math plus a little chocolate equals a good afternoon. - Indeed.

  5. Just irresistible! Thanks for linking this up to the Kids Co-Op. I'll be featuring your post in my colourful play roundup this week. xo P


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