Ideas for Stocking Stuffers
image courtesy of Stuart Miles at
Can you believe Christmas is just around the corner? It will be here before you know it. I love Christmas shopping. Well, if I'm being honest, I love all shopping! I've been browsing the web for stocking stuffer ideas for my boys, and I thought it would be fun to write a post with my favorite ideas for stockings stuffers. Of course girls will love many if not all of these items, too, but since I only have boys, I'm writing about what I know they will enjoy.
My boys are JZ (6), J-Bug (4), Tank (2) and Peanut (2). You know your children the best and can choose what is age appropriate for them. Some of the items on this list will not be in Tank and Peanut's stockings since they still mouth things upon occasion. Please use your best judgement for your own family.
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24 Stocking Stuffers for Boys
1. Toothbrush - Okay, this might not seem like the most exciting gift, but my kids love getting new toothbrushes.
2. Fun Flossers - We typically use regular floss, but for Christmas we buy the cool flossers.
3. Granola Bar - I got this tip several years ago from a good friend. She said that her family usually gets caught up in the fun of Christmas morning and forgets to eat breakfast, so she puts a healthy snack in their stockings. We do make a big breakfast Christmas morning, but our boys are usually distracted with their new toys. We usually let them open stockings before the meal, so rounding them all up to sit down and eat doesn't always happen.
4. Bouncy Balls - What child doesn't love bouncy balls?
5. Silly String - Last year I picked up a couple cans of silly string at Dollar Tree, and they were a huge hit. I think silly string will be in our stockings every single year from here on out.
6. Hex Bugs - We bought J-Bug a Hex Bug set for his birthday last year, and he and JZ love watching these silly bugs move all around the track. They will be excited to each receive a new bug this year. *This is one item that my toddler twins will not be receiving since Hex Bugs require small batteries than can be fatal if swallowed. My older two boys keep their bugs out of reach of their brothers when not in use.
7. Beyblade - Last year both of the big boys got a Beyblade in their stockings. Beyblades are fancy tops that spin fast and entertain kids for hours. There are many accessories to go along with Beyblades, but so far we haven't purchased anything additional.
8. Star Wars Fighter Pods - These tiny toys are so cool. J-Bug plays with his every single day. They are open ended and perfect for imaginative play. Last year we bought the boys each a nice set. This year they will each receive a small pod.
9. Hot Wheels - These little cars are another toy that get played with every day. To save money I'll buy a pack of cars and divide them up between the four stockings rather then buying the cars individually. These Little Wheelies cars are the perfect size for young toddlers.
10. Crayons/Markers - Our art supplies are well stocked at the moment, so I will probably skip these this year. In years past the boys were thrilled to find a new pack of crayons or markers in their stockings.
11. Glitter Glue - This is another favorite! Be sure to have paper nearby in case your children are like mine and want to test out their new supplies right away.
11. Glitter Glue - This is another favorite! Be sure to have paper nearby in case your children are like mine and want to test out their new supplies right away.
12. Small Stuffed Animal - My boys love small, inexpensive stuffed animals. J-Bug tends to carry one with him everywhere he goes.
13. Mini Lego Set - Lately JZ is obsessed with Legos. I know he would get a kick out of a small set in his stocking.
14. Small Nerf Gun - I often see these tiny Nerf guns when checking out at Target, Toys R Us, and other stores. I might buy each of the boys one this year.
15. Nerf Darts - My kids are extremely careful when it comes to their toys, and they are very careful to keep track of Nerf darts when playing. Of course, it is inevitable that a dart goes missing here and there, so Nerf darts make the perfect stocking stuffer for Nerf lovers.
16. Batteries - I highly recommend purchasing extra batteries if you buy electronic toys for your kids.
17. Water Beads - Water beads are one of our favorite sensory materials. They last for many months and are so much fun. Every time we hydrate a batch, I can't help but stick my hands in right along with my kiddos! *Water beads should not be ingested and are not safe for children who will try to eat them.
18. Army Men - These are another inexpensive favorite of my boys. They don't need any more this year, because Army men are surprisingly sturdy and last for years.
19. Play-doh - We make all our own playdough, but these small playdoh containers are awesome stocking stuffers. Christmas is the one time I stray from my own recipes and go for store bought.
20. Glow in the Dark Decals - One year we put these in the boys' stockings, and they had a blast decorating their bunk bed with the stars. I didn't tell them the stars glowed in the dark. It was a special surprise at bed time.
21. Glow Sticks - Do I really need to explain why these are awesome?
22. Balloons - Again, these don't really need an explanation. Balloons, bubbles, and glow sticks are three toys sure to entertain young children.
23. Bubbles - See above. ;)
23. Bubbles - See above. ;)
24. Safari Ltd. Toob - My kids love Toobs! We have several, and they never fail to get excited when I pull out one of the Toobs. Toobs are perfect for small world and sensory play.
For more ideas for Christmas follow me on Pinterest.
What are your child's favorite stocking stuffers? Do you have traditions, or are the stockings contents different from year to year? What was your favorite stocking stuffer as a child?
More Gift Ideas for Kids:


Great list! Thanks for sharing your ideas