February 16, 2014

Rainbow Resist Art

Rainbow Art for Kids

Easy method to make rainbow resist art with kids

Lately Peanut, one of my two year old twins, asks to paint all day every day.  Many times we simply pull out the regular paints and brushes, and other times I like to change it up.  Today I thought it would be fun to make some resist art going along with our recent rainbow kick.  Using the colors of the rainbow makes beautiful art for kids, and resist art is always a favorite!  It puts a simple twist on painting, and the results are guaranteed to dazzle.

How to Make Rainbow Resist Art

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I traced a rainbow shaped arch on the back side of contact paper and cut it out.  Then I traced that cut out several times to make enough for all of us.  Once I had enough rainbows I attached them to white cardstock.

Peanut could hardly contain his excitement when the project was set up and ready to go!  For added shine, I mixed a small amount of glitter in with the paint.

The boys and I painted our cardstock.  The younger two were completely oblivious to the contact paper arches.

I couldn't resist including this photo.  Check out Tank's tongue!  Painting requires a lot of concentration apparently.

My older boys never ended up joining us, so Tank and Peanut made multiple pages of resist art.

Peanut was so proud of his artwork.  He kept saying, "I paint, I paint!"

He stared at me dumbfounded when I tore the contact paper off of his painting, revealing the rainbow shape.

If I may offer up a friendly suggestion, before altering a child's art by removing the contact paper, make one of your own and demonstrate.  After removing the contact paper from my painting I asked Peanut and Tank if they wanted me to do the same to theirs.  Tank didn't want me to touch his artwork, and I respected his request.

For more art for kids follow me on Pinterest.

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More rainbow activities for kids:

Super simple homemade paint recipe in gorgeous, vibrant colors!  The texture is smooth and silky, perfect for using brushes or finger painting.  Gorgeous rainbow eruptions for kids - Easy, inexpensive, and so much fun!  How to make rainbow slime for sensory play - Isn't it gorgeous?


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