April 4, 2014

Alphabet Sticky Wall

Preschool Activity for Spring - ABC Sticky Wall

Create an alphabet sticky wall to work on letter recognition and letter sounds - preschool activity for spring

A couple weeks ago I set up an alphabet flower hunt for J-Bug (4).  He is learning to read and doing well with sounding out short words and blending sounds.  To make the transition into blending easier on him, we've been playing some simple games and activities that reinforce letter sounds.  This alphabet sticky wall only too a few minutes to set up, and it was a fun preschool activity for spring.

How to Set Up an Alphabet Sticky Wall

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Directions:  I secured a long piece of contact paper sticky side out to the wall using thumbtacks.  Tape could also be used.  I went for quick and easy.  I set the stack of foam flowers that I used in our alphabet letter hunt on the nearby coffee table.  For our ABC hunt I used a sharpie to write the alphabet in lower case letters on the flower shapes.

J-Bug picked up a flower from the stack and said the letter and sound, then he stuck each letter on the sticky wall.  As he added more and more letters he moved them around and re-positioned many to get his alphabet wall just the way he wanted it.  My two year old twins enjoyed pointing to all the letters and stating the letters they recognized.  They also liked having the ability to move around the foam flowers on the sticky wall.

Alphabet sticky wall - preschool activity for spring

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More activities for spring:

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this idea!! I've been needing a new idea for word building with my two older kids (5 and 3) that our now crawling baby could be in the same room when we use it. Magnets are no longer out all the time, and I wanted something I could leave out for open-ended and unsupervised play! This is perfect!


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