I am a stay at home mom to four young boys. We work hard, play hard, laugh hard and crash hard at night. Our life is a bit chaotic at times, but I do my best to keep it as organized as possible.
It is my desire to be a Proverbs 31 woman. I continue to work towards that goal each day. I am thankful that I am saved by grace (Ephesians 2:8-9), because on my own I would fail. Instead of living in defeat I am blessed to be called a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17) through Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.
I met my amazing husband in San Diego where I was born and raised. We are blessed to call this beautiful place home. We got to know one another singing together on the worship team at our church, and we enjoy serving the Lord together.
Before becoming a mother I was a nanny for ten years. My education is in early childhood and child development. My husband and I recently made the decision to homeschool, so much of what I write about revolves around educational activities. I believe in hands on learning through play and exploration.
Before becoming a mother I was a nanny for ten years. My education is in early childhood and child development. My husband and I recently made the decision to homeschool, so much of what I write about revolves around educational activities. I believe in hands on learning through play and exploration.
My favorite indulgences are Starbucks and pedicures with my best friend. May God bless the man who invented Starbucks drive thrus, because getting four kids out of carseats is quite the task! (I'd probably still do it for their coffee...)

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